
According to the film home and also what you have learned

According to the film Home, and also what you have learned in this class, what gave rise to the first cities and permanent settlements?

A) coal
B) the automobile
C) the industrial revolution
D) agriculture

In the film Home, which of the following was described as “sponges that regulate the flow of water,” absorbing it during the wet season and releasing it during the dry season.

A) wetlands
B) oceans
C) forests
D) glaciers

As you learned in the film Home, the primary source of energy for all life as well as all other forms of energy on Earth is:

A) the oceans.
B) the sun.
C) heat within the earth.
D) oil and natural gas.

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Other Subject: According to the film home and also what you have learned
Reference No:- TGS0777807

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