
According to the case what might a company do to raise job

1. According to the case, what might a company do to raise job satisfaction and retain employees who are cognitively overqualified?

1. Offer to fund a study on job dissatisfaction 2. Share information about promotion opportunities. 3. All of the above 4. All them to supervise others 5. Counsel them on how to find appropriate employment.

2. An interviewer who assumes you have a certain average cognitive ability level because she knows your level of education would be correct according to what test?

1. IQ 2. Wonderlic 3. GLAT 4. SAT 5. EQ

3. When employees are cognitively overqualified they?

1. are usually longer-term employees. 2. perform much better than others 3. don't necessarily perform than others 4. are usually paid more. 5. are much more satisfied than others.

4. Team Charter: Working together with your team, you will research elements and formats for an effective team charter. Please use the UMUC library to identify a minimum of five appropriate sources about team charters. Appropriate sources are scholarly or practitioner journals and academic books published within the last ten years. Your team will use the results of your research to create a team charter that will guide how you will work together. Your team charter should include, but is not limited to, the following elements:

A team vision statement

A communications plan

A work division plan

A conflict management plan

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Operation Management: According to the case what might a company do to raise job
Reference No:- TGS02905186

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