
According to salary wizard the average base salary fora

Question: According to Salary Wizard, the average base salary fora brand manager in Houston, Texas. is 588.592 and the average base salary for a brand manager in Los Angeles. California, is 597.417 (Salary Wizard website. February 27. 2008). Assume that salaries are normally dis-tributed, the standard deviation for brand managers in Houston is 519,900, and the standard deviation for brand managers in Los Angeles is 521,800.

a. What is the probability that a brand manager in Houston has a base salary in excess of 5100.000?

b. What is the probability that a brand manager in Las Angeles has a base salary in excess of 5100.000?

c. What is the probability that a brand manager in Los Angeles has a base salary of less than 575.000?

d. How much would a brand manager in Los Angeles have to make in order to have a higher salary than 99% of the brand managers in Houston?

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Engineering Mathematics: According to salary wizard the average base salary fora
Reference No:- TGS02251370

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