
According to one line of argument globalization constrains

Answer the following Question :

1- How can a company build and foster cultural awareness?

2- "According to one line of argument, globalization constrains states: free trade limits the ability of states to set policy and protect domestic companies; capital mobility makes generous welfare states less competitive; global problems exceed the grasp of any individual state; and global norms and institutions become more powerful.

Others suggest that in a more integrated world nation-states may even become more important: they have a special role in creating conditions for growth and compensating for the effects of economic competition; they are key players in organizations and treaties that address global problems; and they are themselves global models charged with great authority by global norms" ("The Globalization Website, 2000-2001)

Which stance do you support?

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Operation Management: According to one line of argument globalization constrains
Reference No:- TGS02907708

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