Effective Leadership in a Global Constituency
According to Huddleston (2000) "The real challenge will be to wed accountability, the traditional essence of public service, to the best characteristics of transnational business-leanness, seamless diversity, and adaptability-to create a new global public administration."
Drawing on the article by Huddleston and the reading from your textbooks, describe how you envision the work of a public service leader in a global environment. consider the following:
What leadership characteristics would he or she possess?
What issues might he or she face?
What might ethical leadership look like in a global administration?
How might you apply the concepts you have studied to such an environment?
Huddleston, M. W. (2000). Onto the darkling plain: Globalization and the American public service in the twenty-first century. Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory (Transaction), 10(4), 665.