According to HIMSS (2010) Change Management is defined as a "structured process designed to deal directly and intentionally with the human factors involved in not just planning and implementing an EMR but through behavior change, achieving the anticipated benefits that justified the project in the first place" (pg. 3).
The change management champion (leader) is ultimately responsible for navigating and guiding a team, department or entire organization through change (from start to finish).
The noted paradigm shift of the U.S. health care industry and particularly, the HIM profession, change management is a useful tool/process to facilitate the numerous HIM environmental changes (i.e. technology, landscape, job responsibilities/titles).
The final product is a eight (8) to ten (10) page APA formatted, literature review on Change Management in as it relates to a given health information system and/or technology of choice..
The literature MUST include the following:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Abstract (150-250 words)
Introduction to Change Management (1-2 pages)
Body (5-6 pages)
Change Management Related Theories/Theorist
Change Management deployed in health information systems and technologies
Barriers to Change (Also identify solutions to the identified barriers)
Implementing Change
Conclusion (2 pages)
References (a minimum of seven (7) peer-reviewed references)
8-10 pages (excludes the title page, table of contents, references and appendices)
Avoid writing in first person
Typed; Double-spaced; 12 font Arial or Time New Roman font
Spelling and grammar error free
Sixth Edition APA-format