
According to herzbergs two factor theory what is the role

1. According to Herzberg's Two Factor Theory, what is the role of hygiene factors? a. their presence leads to feelings of neutrality b. their absence leads to feelings of satisfaction c. their presence leads to feelings of satisfaction d. their absence leads to feelings of neutrality
2. Where is the most common use of an In-Basket Technique? a. In computerized career progression systems b. In cross checking employee referrals c. In Selection Process
3. Which is a system designed to achieve organizational effectiveness by steering each employee's behavior toward the organization's mission by using a combination of goal setting, planning, and evaluation activities? a. behavior-based modeling b. management accounting c. management by objectives d. behavior observation method
4. What level of training needs analysis focuses on the identification of where within a firm training is needed? a. Kirkpatrick Analysis b. Task needs analysis c. organizational analysis

5. Which theory states that employees form beliefs about pay fairness by comparing their outcome/input ratio to that of a referent other? a. contingency theory b. equity theory c. expectancy theory d. consistency theory
6. Which approach to the study of leadership is associated with Theory X and Theory Y? a. trait approach b. situational approach c. behavioristic approach d. style approach
7. What error in rating is the result of raters not using the extremes of the rating scale. a. extremity error b. similarity error c. central tendency error d. halo error
8. Which of the following is reported not to occur in firms that use downsizing to reduce costs? a. the majority of firms that downsize achieve higher organizational profits b. the majority of firms that downsize refill eliminated positions within a year
c. the majority of firms that downsize report higher employee productivity immediately d. all of the above
9. What is defined as the organization's attempt to add to, maintain, or readjust its total human resource complement in accordance with its strategic business objectives? a. recruitment b. selection c. staffing d. training and development
10. The 'ROI approach to HR accountability' technique called Human Resource Effectiveness Index (HREI) falls under the fowling cluster of approach: a. Solid Value Added Approach b. Early Approach c. Leading Edge Approach

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Business Management: According to herzbergs two factor theory what is the role
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