
According to chira 2014 a substantial amount of

Master of Business Administration Final Examination 2016

Exam Task

Choose 3 of the 6 questions to answer. Do not answer all of the questions.

Use the article as a basis for your answers but include discussion from the subject text and other sources as needed to support your discussion. You should include in text references to at least three resources in each answer. You should appropriately reference any sources used. Answers should be no longer than 700 words each.


1. According to Chira (2014), a substantial amount of interpersonal communication also occurs through nonverbal communication. This communication channel usually supplements rather than substitutes for writing, speaking and sign language. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss the statement in terms of a communication model/s.

2. ‘‘An effective listener is aware that communication is a two way process. Unless a listener accepts a share of the responsibility for its success, communication is doomed to failure.'

Explain what is ‘active listening' and how can one become a more effective listener? How does ‘good listening' benefit a staff member? Illustrate with the help of suitable examples.

3. Downward communication, used mainly to communicate messages from the more powerful to the less powerful, is perhaps the most common form of communication in organisations (Eunson 2015). What are the key problems with downward communication? What is the relationship between formal communication and organisational culture? Discuss.

4. Some consider the electronic mail is eliminating organisational hierarchies, or at least is reducing the barriers of communication between people at different levels of authority in an organisation (Kiesler, 2014: 5), thus facilitates the formation of more flexible work groups, including 'virtual' work groups.

List three advantages and three disadvantages of email as a communication medium. Is it inevitable that email will over time become more formal in style in organisations?

5. According to Guirdham (2005), at the individual level, as different values, beliefs or worldviews are manifested in communication behaviours, and as culture creates differing expectations, styles or patterns of speech, very often interpersonal misunderstanding and conflict may arise. Models and strategies, including work by Hofstede, are available to managers to help understand and improve intercultural communication. Are these models of value to managers? Argue your case.

6. Two of the most frequently reported problems are "Getting off the subject" and "No goals or agenda." Discuss the ways in which meetings can be more productive.

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Dissertation: According to chira 2014 a substantial amount of
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