
According to both carl safina and rylee jensen what is the


1-The sea turtle featured on the dust jacket of the text (pictured below) is a:

2-It is estimated that invasive species in the United States alone cause economic damages and losses amounting to:
A- between $500 million and $1 billion/year.
B- Less than $10 million/year.
C- between $100-500 million/year.
D- over $100 billion/year
E- between $10-100 million/year.

3- "Rake marks" refer to the tags used to mark individual orcas for identification.
A- True
B- False

4- You trap and mark chinchillas on a mountainside in the Andes in Peru, and place ear tags on 74 individuals. A week later, you trap chinchillas on an adjacent mountain, capturing and marking 23 animals. Hunters kill 10 of these animals. Using the mark-recapture formula, what is your estimate of the total number of chinchillas on these two mountains?

You cannot compute an estimate with this data.
A 74
B 97
C 32
D 170

5- Exotic species, by definition, are considered harmful to human interests.
A- True
B- False

6- This is a photo of a ___________________________ turtle.


You watch a female green turtle lay her eggs on a beach, so you know the exact date the clutch started. On day 9, you measure the temperature inside the nest at 86 degrees F. Based on this, you predict that:
A- All the hatchlings will be female.
B- Based on this measurement, you cannot predict the sex composition of these hatchlings.
C- All the hatchlings will be male.
D- Due to the extreme temperature, none of the eggs will be viable.
E- The hatchlings should be approximately 50% male, and 50% female.


This is a photo of a ___________________________ turtle.


According to both Carl Safina and Rylee Jensen, what is the major factor that distinguishes transient from resident killer whales in the Pacific Northwest?
A- body size
B- diet
C- color patterns
D- travel patterns
E- size of the dorsal fin.

10- The introduction of just one exotic species to an island may cause the local extinction of numerous native species. On Guam, the ____________________________ has driven 10 of the 11 forest birds to extinction.

11- An animal autopsy is called a _______________

12- - The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation generally is supported by wildlife management agencies, hunters, and anglers.
A- True
B- False

13- In Beyond Words, Carl Safina wrote, "It is perhaps the greatest behavioral mystery on our mysterious planet." What was he referring to?
A- how killer whale mothers teach their young to hunt.
B- the meaning of killer whale vocalizations.
C- the reason for the coloration pattern in killer whales.
D- why the dorsal fin of captive killer whales droops, while the dorsal fin of wild animals stands erect.
E- Wild Killer Whales Never Killing people.


The firearm season for the deer hunt has ended, but there are a few days left to hunt with a bow. You notice a nice 3 point buck from your tree stand. However, the buck is limping and it appears that his hind leg is broken and bleeding, perhaps from a gunshot. Your gut tells you that he will not survive. As it gets closer, you notice that another buck is following it, a larger 4 pointer at least. What would you do?
Obviously, there is no "right answer" here. Your choices reflect your experiences, your ethics, and your motivations.
A: Shoot the wounded buck, filling your tag for the year.
B: Let nature take its course with the wounded animal, and shoot the 4 pointer.
C: Shoot the 4 pointer, but when you get home call a game warden and see if the warden can locate the wounded deer.
D: Shoot the 4 pointer, tag it, then track and kill the wounded animal to put it out of its misery.
What do you think? Answer with A, B, C, or D.


You are hunting on public land and spot a large 5 point buck in the distance. It is a difficult shot but you use a downed tree as a rest while you are in a prone position, aim carefully, and fire your rifle. The buck is wounded and manages to run. You begin to track the animal and eventually the blood trail leads you onto posted private property. You really want to find and tag the animal, since the buck is wounded and eventually will die. There is no way you want to waste the meat, and you don't see any other buildings, vehicles, or signs. What would you do?

Obviously, there is no "right answer" here. Your choices reflect your experiences, your ethics, and your motivations.

A: Leave the deer since it is within private property, and continue hunting.
B: Leave the deer since it is within private property, return home, and contact a game warden.
C: Leave the deer, return home, and try to identify the property owner for permission to trespass.
D: Continue to track the deer to retrieve it, making sure your rifle is unloaded.
What do you think? Answer with A, B, C, or D.

16- "Musth" refers to highly aggressive behavior in male killer whales.
A- True
B- False


This animal is a _______________________

18- Male sage grouse display for prospective mates on open natural dance floors in the sagebrush. The dance display is called "spy hopping."
A- True
B- False

19- Hunter education should continue to be a part of this course (answer yes or no... choose one) ______________________.

20- Now that you have attended the lectures on hunting, you have a better sense of the practical and ethical issues involved in regulating hunting.

After listening to these lectures and taking HE, you are (more, less, no change... choose one) ____________________ supportive of regulated hunting than you were before taking this course.

Obviously, there is no "right answer" here. Your choice reflects your experiences, your ethics, and your motivations.

21- Before taking this course, I had already planned to hunt in the future (yes or no... choose one).

22- After taking this course, I now plan to hunt in the future (yes or no... choose one)

23- You are ________________________ knowledgeable now than you were at the beginning of the semester in regards to the issues involved in urban mouse control (answers: more, less, no change... choose one).

24- after being processed by an owl's digestive system, the only remaining parts of mammalian prey are hair and bones. These are passed out of the intestine as scat.

A- True
B- False

25- As with elephants, when male orcas are old enough to be self-sufficient, they leave their parents and roam in pods of adolescent males.
A- True
B- False

26- For the "Maui mystery cat," physical evidence was not needed to corroborate its existence, since there were plenty of reported observations.
A- True
B- False


You are pig hunting with dogs on state land. Your dogs are going wild, and when you reach them they are barking at a cat and her 3 kittens in a tall bush. You know that the Department of Wildlife has been encouraging people to keep their cats indoors, and that outdoor cats sometimes kill threatened and endangered birds. Since there are no homes in this area, you decide that these cats must be abandoned or feral. What would you do?

Obviously, there is no "right answer" here. Your choices reflect your experiences, your ethics, and your motivations.

A: Do nothing. Get your dogs under control, and continue hunting.
B: Shoot the adult cat and assume the kittens will eventually die.
C: Shoot all 4 cats.
D: Shake the cats out of the tree, and let the dogs chase them.

What do you think? Answer with A, B, C, or D.

28- The gap in the teeth of rodents is called a ___________________.
A- Bolus
B- Sagittal crest
C- Diastema
D- Mandible

29- Your instructor, Robert Schmidt ___________________ a hunter (enter "is" or "is not"...choose one).


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