
Access to quality health care for vulnerable populations


Application: Access to Quality Health Care for Vulnerable Populations

Access to quality health care for disparate populations is a critical challenge for today's health care organizations and for the health care system as a whole. You will describe the advantages and challenges facing the health care system in providing equal access to quality health care.

To prepare for this Application Assignment, consider how health care is delivered to populations who are sometimes affected by the Healthy People assigned focus area you were previously assigned.

Create a 2- to 3-page paper (essay style) that addresses the following:

• What two obstacles confront vulnerable/underserved populations when they attempt to obtain quality health care Healthy People assigned focus area(e.g., a prevention program, screening program, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation)? Be specific.

• Name and describe two intervention programs that have addressed these obstacles (e.g., prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation). You can find examples of these on the internet or by searching the library databases (CINAHL). Try searching with your Healthy People area (i.e. obesity; heart disease) as a key term as well as the word "intervention" or "program"). You may also try looking at professional organizations that address that health issue. For example, the American Diabetes Association sponsors a program called "Project Power" which addresses diabetes type 2 among African Americans-specifically for church settings.

In your paper, summarize the programs by including the following:

o The name of the program

o The type of program (hospital based; for churches; online program, etc.)

o Who has implemented the program (researchers, professional group, university, state, etc.) and where was it implemented:

For example, training programs are sometimes offered by commercial businesses and programs or activities are sometimes sponsored by federal government or professional organizations.

o The types of services the program provides

o How the program has addressed disparities

o The achievements of the program

o Does it address the issue of culture? How so?

o Is there any evidence that it has been successful?

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines (6th edition). Be sure to support your work with specific citations

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Other Subject: Access to quality health care for vulnerable populations
Reference No:- TGS01852524

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