
Access the hazards and threats facing the united states

2 forum reponses 150 words each APA format include citations:

1. Bryan Mogaru

How did the DHS structure the NPR and what principle tools were used to develop the Key Findings?

The National Preparedness Report evaluates and measures the gains of different sectors as well as identifying the challenges to individuals, communities, private sectors, faith-based organizations and all levels of government. The report provides the insights into the preparedness which support decisions about priorities, resources, allocation, and community actions (FEMA, 2016, para.1). It also identifies cross-cutting findings which are used to evaluate the 31 core capability performance as well as the Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery mission areas. This report reflects more than 450 data sources and 190 stakeholders, including 66 non-Federal organizations with an intent of providing partners with practical insights about program priorities, resources, allocations, and community actions.

The Presidential Policy Directive 8 requires the National Preparedness Report to annually check the progress of meeting the goals set forth in ensuring a secure and resilient Nation. Its core capabilities can be summed up into the following; Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. This has shown progress and has enabled the Nation continue to develop the capacities which are needed to address the hazards and threats facing the United States. The report identifies three cross-cutting findings by evaluating current core capability performance:

• Planning: The planning process identified Public Health, Healthcare, and Emergency Medical Services; and Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment as the three core capabilities which the nation has developed acceptable levels of performance for critical tasks, but that face performance declines if not maintained and updated to address emerging challenges (FEMA, 2016).

• Cybersecurity, Economic Recovery, Housing, and Infrastructure Systems remain national areas for improvement. Two additional core capabilities-Natural and Cultural Resources, and Supply Chain Integrity and Security-emerged as new national areas for improvement (FEMA, 2016).

• States and territories continue to be more prepared to achieve their targets for Response core capabilities, while they are least prepared to meet their targets in the Recovery mission area (FEMA, 2016).

The Nation has continued to strengthen its preparedness as seen in the 2016 National Preparedness Report which has seen the progress on all the five mission areas (Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery). As the new threats and challenges are emerging, DHS will continue to aggressively keep up with those challenges and address them appropriately.


FEMA (2016). National Preparedness Report. https://www.fema.gov/national-preparedness-report

2. Shawna Robles

Select any one of the 31 core capabilities and address your own assessment of the key findings and data within that capability with special attention to the weakness (es) described.

The core capability I chose falls under the recovery phase: Public health, healthcare and emergency medical services. The key finding states that "New research and recent Federal initiatives encourage decision-makers to incorporate health considerations into all aspects of disaster recovery planning" (DHS, 2016 pp. 84). A big issue within disaster management is the healthcare system. In many communities, officials account for emergency services and the resources that are allotted and available, however, medical services are normally left to the hospitals to come up with appropriate plans. It is very important for officials to take into account the types of medical services that would be necessary to cover a hospital that currently holds patients (probably 75% capacity at any given time) and add any treatment that might be needed for victims. Not only should official plan for post disaster recovery, they should consider pre disaster measures to implement in order to reduce the amount of last minute decision making. If a plan is developed, assessed and then modified to fit the situation, it could lead to a stronger and faster recovery for the community and its citizens.

The NPR touches on resilience toolkits that could be extremely beneficial during disaster recovery. I think those toolkits could be useful but officials and emergency personnel should not rely on just those toolkits only. The toolkits supposedly help train on health and traumatic stress issues, but if the training is not conducted or done incorrectly, the damage from the workers could be detrimental. Touching on the weaknesses I spoke about during the week one forum, I think the overall lack of healthcare and social services in some communities has caused them to slowly recover from a natural disaster as opposed to a city who has had a plan readily available which has been implemented and proven to be successful. Hospitals and emergency services do develop and implement their own preparedness policies, however, it is important for them to also take into consideration the outside resources that might be necessary to carry out their mission. It is extremely important for all agencies to come together at least annually to come up with a plan. Natural disasters that have occurred over the last decade in the United States has shown that cities are not as well equipped or prepared as they believed.

Department of Homeland Security. 2016 National Preparedness Report. (October 18, 2016). Retrieved March 16, 2017, from https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/116951

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