1. Locate the website of a Fortune 1000 company of your choice. What statements about diversity are included? Is there a nondiscrimination policy? If so, which areas are included? If possible, determine the race, ethnicity, and sex of the CEO, board members, and other top executives of the organization. (210 Words)
2. Access the EEOC website (www.eeoc.gov). Document a lawsuit that involved particularly egregious actions but that likely did not receive any significant media attention. What happened? Describe the allegations and resolutions of the cases. Describe and discuss the allegations and resolutions of the cases. (210 Words)
3. Based on your reading of the major EEOC laws, discuss ways to minimize the likelihood of discrimination and maximize the benefits of diversity in the workplace. (310 Words)
4. Describe the procedures required to file a discrimination lawsuit under the disparate impact and disparate treatment theories. How is adverse impact determined? Provide a scenario illustrating evidence of adverse impact in an employment decision. (310 Words)
Reference: Bell, M. P. (2012). Diversity in organizations (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.