
Access the allied health community media and select

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Access the "Allied Health Community" media and select "Scenarios" to access the scenarios for this course. Review the instructions and legend information. Read the Transitional Care Scenario for this course and complete the following assignment:

Put yourself in Kaila's shoes. As a new CEO of an organization, you have recognized that designation of power has been an issue in the past. As a result, this is creating obstacles for you and your vision. Plan of action to regain control of the organization and employees, while still moving forward with a specific vision. In the plan, include:

  1. The specific steps you need to put in place to regain the power and direction of the organization. Include strategies to increase employee trust and respect for you and each other.
  2. The type of leadership style, or styles, that would best work to manage within this organization.
  3. The structural changes that must take place within the organizations current employee hierarchy.
  4. Describe your implementation strategy and timeline for your plan.

Type of Care Provided

Transitional care is a moderate-to long-term facility that focuses on therapy, wound care, and medical management of chronic diseases. Individuals within transitional care can range from low need or minimal care to individuals who are total care patients needing 24hr nursing assistance. These facilities are often known as Long-Term care, skilled nursing, or subacute rehab facilities.


Kalia recently accepted the chief executive o cer (CEO) position at a steadily declining transitional care organization. After meeting with the board of trustees, she was eager to demonstrate how her vision would change the direction of the failing company. Her hope was to discover allies within the company that could help make it easier to put her plan for the company into action. However, she soon found that her formal authority as CEO had been severely undermined by the pervious CEO, whose practice had been to distribute power within the organization, but had poorly managed those to whom he gave pow- er.

During Kalia's rst week, she arranged her schedule so that she could meet with administrative sta as soon as possible. During the meeting, Kalia requested budget information for each manager. None of

the administrative sta were able to obtain the information for Kalia. They told her that company nancial information was considered classi ed and could only be accessed through Manny, the chief nancial o cer (CFO) - the managers were not able to monitor their own budgets. One individual volunteered that sometimes the CFO's administrative assistant would allow people to review reports, if the CFO was out and "she liked you."

After the meeting, Kalia went to Dominic, the chief information o cer (CIO), to see if a centralized shared network could be created so employees could access important and sensitive data necessary for sta to make business decisions. Dominic informed her that the system was complicated, and that he was the only one familiar with how it was set up. He also told her that he would be going on paternity leave, and no one else could be trusted with the system. Therefore, a project like that could not begin until he returned. Dominic suggested that, in the meantime, Kalia begin the request with Manny, the CFO, as he would need to approve the budget for the project because it would be costly.

Kalia walked to Manny's o ce. As soon as she walked in, Manny said, "I heard you don't think that the way I handle nances is acceptable. I have 26 years of experience, plus dual master's degrees in ac- counting and nance. I am surprised that a young woman starting out would consider herself an expert. Kalia was surprised by Manny's comments, and she was equally surprised to turn and see two of her administrative sta sitting on the couch in Manny's o ce. Uncertain of how to respond, Kalia turned and walked back to her o ce. In her o ce, Kalia sat down at her desk and put her face in her hands. She was now questioning everything she thought she knew about the company, being the CEO, and why she was hired.

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Biology: Access the allied health community media and select
Reference No:- TGS02635153

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