
Access control via digital and fingerprint identification

Final Assignment

The time has come to give you details regarding your final project:

Please put together a creative advertising campaign for a product/service that touches all of our lives - Home and Business Security.

It is one of those necessities in today's world and security companies are looking to expand their marketing with more sophisticated camera and video surveillance systems, in addition to traditional door and window security systems.

Comprehensive security systems can now include:

Access control via digital and fingerprint identification, infrared monitoring, and monitoring from mobile devices.

Assume this is a local company with local service people available 24/7.

Your advertising agency (You) has been given the assignment of creating a consumer campaign to appeal to the Residential and Business markets.

You are to position yourself as the advertising agency for a Security Company that you can name. This should be a fictitious company. You can also name your ad agency.

Develop a creative approach, select the media that will most effectively attract and motivate your target markets. In this Digital age, the creative and promotional marketing should rely heavily on social media and digital marketing.

I realize you are taking this course online and that many of you may have a logistic problem in working with other people. Because of that, I have given you the choice of either doing your final project alone, or contacting other people in this class to do the project with them.

If I do not hear from you by April 15th, I will assume you will be preparing this presentation alone, which is just fine. If you do put together a group there must be a maximum of 4 people in the group. I will grade the campaign accordingly; evaluating it based on the number of students in the group.

If you work as a group please communicate with each other to find the best way you can work together. You should designate one person in the group as the agency President. The President will be responsible for submitting a short report to me regarding the involvement of each of the agency members along with their primary responsibility in putting together the presentation.

I will take into consideration whether the project was done by one person or a group. As I previously mentioned, if you prefer, it is fine if you would like to do this assignment on your own.

I am looking for your creative approach both in message and media that will position the company to stand out from the competition.

Your presentations should follow the presentation outline that I explained in the syllabus. To avoid any confusion the following are the essential parts of a presentation. Keep in mind that depending on your approach, some areas of the presentation will be more comprehensive than others.

Presentation Outline

- Objectives including a Mission Statement:

Advertising objectives are based on the company's marketing mission.

- Situation Analysis

-The Company

-The industry


-Marketing challenges

- Research and assumptions

- Define the target audience

- Strategies:

-Creative and communication strategies

-Media strategies: How are you going to use the media you choose?

- Tactics: Show a sample of your creative approach for the campaign including copy and graphics

(You will not be judged on the quality of the graphics)


-Public Relations

-Promotion, etc.

- Budget parameters: Your regional area budget is approximately $200,000; however, you will not have to do a detailed media buy. I am looking for a break down of the type of media (communication tools) you would use. Do not try to get individual media rates. Just tell me the % of the budget you would use on each medium. That will tell me how important you feel each medium is.

Be creative and have fun with this assignment.

You will be required to submit one complete document to me via email on or before Mid-night Wednesday, Aug 17, 2016. This can be in the form of a Power Point presentation or a written document. Please make sure that all the names of the individuals working on the presentation are included on the document.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions as you proceed.

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Dissertation: Access control via digital and fingerprint identification
Reference No:- TGS02412328

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