I was given serverTest.c and clientTest.c The expert is welcome to use these files if it helps with the assignment.
Execution and Output:
Accepts connections from 3 clients each in a separate window ___
Clients correctly submit integer and FIFO name to server ___
Server correctly assigns memory using best fit ___
Server correctly calculates and reports fragmentation ___
Server responds to clients with appropriate information ___
Client prompts for input values ___
Clients receive the appropriate information through private FIFO ___
Clients and server shut down gracefully ___
Input echoed and output is clearly shown (no black background!) ___
Design and Documentation:
All algorithms are descriptive, thorough and indented ___
All code matches algorithms ___
Overall documentation contains all parts ___
Good variable names and appropriate comments ___
Enough white space, not too much white space ___
Includes design, implementation and test times ___
ReadMe is clear and helpful ___
Code or comments wrap
Attachment:- Assignment.rar