
Acc80008 managerial accounting special consideration

Managerial Accounting Special Consideration: Individual Assignment

With the introduction of various climate change related legislations in Australia, many companies are now incorporating social/environmental/sustainability measures in their multi-perspective Strategic Performance Measurement Systems (SPMS). An increasing number of Australian companies have shown willingness to publicly disclose their SPMS adoption (see for example Elijido-Ten, 2011; 2013) thereby enabling various stakeholders to evaluate both financial and non-financial performance of the firm. There is, however, mounting criticism that such public disclosures are no more than 'green-washing' mechanisms particularly if the SPMS targets/measures are not linked to rewards system or compensation plans. This is in line with various motivational theories making the favourite quote, "what gets measured gets done," self-fulfilling.

A: SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT: (Word Count- 800 to 1,000)

Conduct a review of literature on the use of multi-perspective SPMS such as Balanced Scorecard or Triple (or Quadruple) Bottom Line. Briefly discuss its salient features. Cite academic research discussing real companies' experiences (i.e. benefits/pitfalls/challenges; advantages/disadvantages) from their SPMS adoption.

B: PRESENTATION (Word Count for Introduction & Conclusion - 400 to 500)

Present your assignment in a research paper format with approximate word length of 1,200 to 1,500 words. The standard procedure is that the assignment will be marked up to the specified word count only.

Your report must have an Abstract (about 150 words), Table of Contents, References, Appendices (Note: These are not included in your word limit of 1,200 to 1,500 words.)

Use Swinburne Harvard referencing style throughout your report.

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Dissertation: Acc80008 managerial accounting special consideration
Reference No:- TGS02352375

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