Managerial Accounting Assignment -
With the introduction of various climate change related legislations in Australia, many companies are now incorporating social/environmental/sustainability measures in their multi-perspective Strategic Performance Measurement Systems (SPMS). An increasing number of Australian companies have shown willingness to publicly disclose their SPMS adoption (see for example Elijido-Ten, 2011; 2013) thereby enabling various stakeholders to evaluate both financial and non-financial performance of the firm. There is, however, mounting criticism that such public disclosures are no more than 'green-washing' mechanisms particularly if the SPMS targets/measures are not linked to rewards system or compensation plans. This is in line with various motivational theories making the favourite quote, "what gets measured gets done," self-fulfilling.
Specific Requirements:
A: LITERATURE REVIEW (Word Count - 1,600)
1. Multi-perspective SPMS Research
Conduct a review of literature on the use of multi-perspective SPMS such as Balanced Scorecard or Triple (or Quadruple) Bottom Line. Briefly discuss its salient features. Cite academic research discussing real companies' experiences (i.e. benefits/pitfalls/challenges; advantages/disadvantages) from their SPMS adoption.
2. Motivation Theories and Reward System Research
Briefly discuss one theory of motivation and explain how this theory relates to rewards system. Cite academic research discussing the effective forms of rewards/compensation given to top executives and nonexecutive employees used by real companies. Your discussion should be well supported by relevant academic research.
B: COMPANY RESEARCH (Word Count - 1,600)
1. Company Profile & Disclosure of SPMS
You are required to select two companies from the Top 100 publicly listed companies in Australia that provide disclosure of their SPMS adoption. One firm must come from an environmentally sensitive industry (e.g. mining, chemical or energy/utility sector) while the other must be from a non-environmentally sensitive industry (e.g. insurance or financial sector). Briefly outline the profile of the companies chosen. Based on the relevant literature, discuss the criteria chosen in deciding whether the chosen companies adopt a multi perspective SPMS (see for example Elijido-Ten & Tjan, 2014). Then, examine their SPMS disclosure from publicly available reports such as annual reports, shareholder reviews, sustainability reports, corporate policies and company websites for 2 years, 2015 and 2016. Over this 2-year period, discuss whether there have been any changes in SPMS disclosures in terms of the perspectives, objectives, measures & targets set and briefly compare the SPMS disclosures of the two companies.
2. Company Performance & Link to Rewards/Compensation Plan
Analyse the companies' 2015 and 2016 financial performance using appropriate financial measures. Investigate whether the two chosen companies link their SPMS measures/targets with executive rewards/compensation plans. Your analysis and discussion should explain how the companies have either succeeded or failed to strengthen their competitive advantage over the 2-year period you have examined.
C: PRESENTATION (Word Count for Introduction & Conclusion - 800)
Present your assignment in a research paper format with approximate word length of 4,000 words. The standard procedure is that the assignment will be marked up to the specified word count only.
Your report must have an Abstract (about 300 words), Table of Contents, References, Appendices (Note: These are not included in your word limit of 4000 words.)
Use Swinburne Harvard referencing style throughout your report.
Word Count - 4000
Harvard references 30
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