
Acc8000 assignment a researcher might use interviews in a


Learning objectives-

Learning objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of an applied a research problems in financial and management accounting, and prepare strategies for their solution

Learning objective 2: Demonstrate an understanding of applied research methods

Learning objective 3: Collect and analyse accounting research data using applied research methods

Learning objective 4: Use correct Harvard referencing


1. Discuss the type of research questions that:

a) are most suited to be answered using a quantitative approach;

b) are appropriate to be answered using a qualitative approach.

2. A researcher might use interviews in a quantitative and a qualitative study.

a) Describe the types of questions used and explain why they are used in interviews in quantitative studies.

b) Describe the types of questions used and explain why they are used in interviews in qualitative studies.

3. Describe the different approaches to the use and development of theory in qualitative studies

4. What purpose do variables play in quantitative studies?

5. Distinguish and explain the differences between independent, dependent and control variables in quantitative studies.

6. Review the study by Barbera and Hasso (2013):

a) Identify the suggested independent variable.

b) Identify the suggested dependent variables.

c) What variables have been suggested to stand between the independent and dependent variables?

d) Explain the type of variables that you have identified in part 6c) above.

e) What control variables have been identified in the study?

7. Assume you are asked to design a study that investigates whether using social media or having face-to-face meetings influences students' results for group assignments.

a) Explain whether you would choose a qualitative or quantitative design for your study and outline the reasons for your choice (do not consider a mixed method approach).

b) Following the example of purpose statements from chapter 6 of the textbook, draft a purpose statement for the study you have mentioned in part 7a above.

8. Presentation and referencing criteria Appropriate presentation, i.e., grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and logical discussion used to provide answers as well as correct referencing (in-text and in Bibliography) using the Harvard style.

Bibliography - Barbera, F & Hasso T 2013, 'Do we need to use an accountant? The sales growth and survival benefits to family SME's Family Business Review, vol, 26, no. 3 pp. 271-92.

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Accounting Basics: Acc8000 assignment a researcher might use interviews in a
Reference No:- TGS01561740

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