
Acc00713 s1 2016 report list the components of shareholders

Objective: This assessment requires you to prepare a report to evaluate information provided in the annual report of a chosen company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Your comments or evaluation should comply with the requirements of relevant Australian accounting standards (AASBs). The report should address the points outlined below:

1) Equity/Shareholders' funds: Comment on the recognition and disclosure of share capital in the chosen company according to the requirements of AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements

• List the components of Shareholder's Fund/Equity presented in the annual report of the chosen company, providing details of changes during the financial year

• Determine whether the company has reclassified any financial instrument as an equity instrument during the observed financial year. Explain why it is import to classify funds appropriately as debt or equity

• Comment on any items that are recorded against equity rather than as part of profit and loss

• Does the company provide you with sufficient information to assess its performance?

2) Related Party Disclosures: you should use AASB 2 Share-based Payment and AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures as the guidelines as your discussions.

• Discuss what related party is and what related party transaction is. Give at least one example of related party transaction reported in the chosen company

• Do you think that related party disclosures are important to investors? Discuss.

• Briefly outline the components of CEO and key personnel remuneration in the chosen company

• Evaluate whether the amount of CEO and key personnel remuneration is associated with the performance of the chosen company

The report that you prepare should include an executive summary, a body of contents covering points listed above, and a reference list. The word limit of this report is 1800 - 2000 words (excluding executive summary, references and appendix).

Each student should choose a company that is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and find an annual report for the 2014/2015 financial year. Remember to pick a complete annual report, not a concise financial report or a half-year financial report.

Company - Woolworth limited annual report 2015 (Woolworth Limited, Annual Report 2015 https://www.woolworthslimited.com.au/icms_docs/182381_Annual_Report_2015.pdf)

1250 WORDS.

7 harvard reference.

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Accounting Basics: Acc00713 s1 2016 report list the components of shareholders
Reference No:- TGS01403023

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