
Academic essay is based on an edcan case study and view the

Critically analyse individual, community, environmental and social factors that influence health beliefs and practices and strategies for promoting positive health behaviours.

Analyse evidence-based models of health behaviour change, health education, self-management support, and partnerships in health care as they apply to promotion of health and wellness and rehabilitation of individuals and communities.

Task Description and Case Study Resources

1. Academic Essay is based on an EdCaN Case Study.

2. View the videos of John embedded in this continuing professional development module for nurses.

3. Explore further, the relevant considerations and resources available to address needs in the broader context of survivorship.

The following additional information should be considered when addressing the Academic Essay:

For the purpose of this assignment you are the Cancer Care Coordinator at the hospital where John receives his adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. John is currently receiving his last cycle of chemotherapy and you will be meeting with him to provide education with regards to his discharge and self-management plan following the end of his active treatment.

What you need to do

In preparation for your meeting with John, you are to develop a discharge and self- management plan for discussion with him. Your plan should consider:
- The recommended follow up regimen after curative treatment for colorectal cancer, having critically reviewed the available evidence.
- Signs and symptoms associated with colorectal cancer recurrence.
- Strategies to prevent survivorship issues that John may experience across all domains of health (including physical, psychological, social and spiritual health) after treatment for colorectal cancer and.
Before discussing the plan with John and his family, you are to consider the principles of communication and outline strategies that will facilitate effective education about his discharge and self-management plan. Identify the criteria you will use to evaluate the success of your education in this case study.

Use the following headings:

Introduction [250 words]
Your introduction should include a brief overview of John's history, the purpose of this essay, and an outline of the areas covered in the essay.

Discharge Plan [600 words]
This section (two paragraphs) should discuss:
- The recommended follow up regimen after curative treatment for colorectal cancer for John, incorporating critical discussion of available evidence.
- Signs and symptoms associated with colorectal cancer recurrence

Self-Management Plan [1400 words]
In the context of a self-management plan, this section (six paragraphs) should discuss:
- Survivorship issues that John may experience across 1) physical, 2) psychological, 3) social and 4) spiritual domains of health and strategies for prevention of the identified issues.
- Communication principles/ strategies that will facilitate effective education.
- Criteria that will be used to evaluate the success of the education session.

Conclusion [250 words]
Give a brief summary of the main points of the essay.

References [not included in word count]

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: Academic essay is based on an edcan case study and view the
Reference No:- TGS02304628

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