
Academic achievement and library

Academic Achievement And Library

Why is it important to put libraries in alternative schools and achieve the academic goals of the students in alternative schools? It's important that the troubled/problem kids who attends alternative schools get the same access to libraries and academic help as the public schools. Studying daily, reading, and researching helps keep the students actively focused on there academic achievements which is why its important that libraries be placed in all types of schools for all types of kids so they can get the persuasive learning experience they need.

Studying daily helps students pass there courses by allowing the students to read more which increase there study skills. However, this gives them better grades and less behavior problems allowing the students in the alternative school to prosper becoming better students. Typically, students who attend the alternative school are not academically successful; initially many of the students did not view reading as an activity in which they could partake and excel (Pytash, 2012 pg.33). Now that they have decided to put libraries in alternative schools students would be more active to utilizing there reading abilities and look at reading as an activity that will help them excel to better students.

Reading allows the students to actively focus on achieving there academic goals which why it's great that the alternative school decided to place a library in the class room. Allowing the students access to a library in the classroom of the alternative school helps promote more active readers. However, doing this gives the prospering students the idea that they must know how to utilize reading in there academic school life by taking advantage of the library. Partaking in the creation of the classroom library also provided students the opportunity to notice the wide variety of genres and literature available for reading (Pytash, 2012 pg.33).

Researching would be harder on some students without a library in the school to help students academically when writing. Writing is used throughout students academic school year. Therefore, being able to go to a library to read and research resources would save students the hassle of excuses and make writing much easier for them with the help of the library and books right there in the school. The students also viewed the library as a resource for finding more information about topics they found interesting (Pytash, 2012 pg.34). Students must understand and know how to research when writing essays and papers for class which is why the library is needed in the alternative school helping persuade the students to want to read and enjoy the use of having a library. Alternative schools is where the troubled kids are sent until they behavior changes but if they don't have the access like other students and are being taught like other students then you can't really expect them to change.

In conclusion providing libraries in alternative schools would help the students prosper academically to achieve there goals, help the students read more, increase study habits for the kids, and give the students a place to go inside the school to do researching. Students attending alternative schools are troubled kids who still deserves equal opportunities and education that the public school students receive. Therefore, it would be much help to the teachers and students by putting a library in the classroom or anywhere in the alternative school so the students can have access to books and do assigned work right at school.

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