
Ac6010 - advanced managerial accounting how do managers

Detailed Question: Learning Activity: Variances & Analysis

Complete the Variance Spreadsheet Exercise. Refer to the resources provided in the Resource Document to help with this assignment.

Look under week 6 for the resource document.

Week One

-Corporate social responsibility. CSR. (2013). Retrieved from https://www.iisd.org/business/issues/sr.aspx

-Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (2012). Accounting for managers (v.1.0). Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.or/pdfs/accounting-for-managers.pdf
Chapter 1: What is Managerial Accounting?

-Kahn, M. (2007). 15.963 Managerial accounting and control. Retrieved from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/15-963-management-accounting-and-control-spring-2007/lecture-notes/lec1.pdf

-Levi Strauss & Co. (2013). Forging the path of progress. 2013 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.levistrauss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/levistrauss-annual-report-2013.pdf

-Walther, L. (2015). Principles of accounting (Managerial/cost tab). Retrieved from


-NotePirate. (2014, April 4). What is management accounting? (managerial accounting tutorial #1) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtIik4R1jAE

-NotePirate. (2014, April 9). Fixed and variable costs (managerial accounting tutorial #3) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIYN2F6fW2Y

-NotePirate. (2014, April 10). What is the relevant range (managerial accounting tutorial # 4) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCpRAgs-yMw

-NotePirate. (2014, April 14). What are mixed costs? (managerial accounting tutorial #5) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRi01CYooDA

-NotePirate. (2014, June 4). Direct vs indirect costs: Example, portal guns! (managerial accounting tutorial #21) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnkn957pYG8

-NotePirate. (2014, June 20). Manufacturing costs (direct materials, labor, manufacturing overhead) and product and period costs [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eUdwWNNkYU

Week Two

-Fearne. A. (2011). Value chain management. The importance of being relevant [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu9TWlcjNKk

-Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (2012). Accounting for managers (v.1.0). Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/pdfs/accounting-for-managers.pdf
Chapter 2: How is Job Costing Used to Track Production Costs?
Chapter 3: How Does an Organization Use Activity-Based Costing to Allocate Overhead Costs?

-Levi Strauss & Co. (2013). Forging the path of progress. 2013 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.levistrauss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/levistrauss-annual-report-2013.pdf
-Spoilage, rework, and scrap. (2009). [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from www.csub.edu/~tdoucet/PPTACCT303Chapter18.ppt

-Walther, L. (2015). Principles of accounting (Managerial/cost tab). Retrieved from

Week Three

-Arya, A., Glover, J., &Radhakrishnan, S. (1998). The controllability principle in responsibility accounting: Another look. Retrieved from https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

-Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (2012). Accounting for managers (v.1.0). Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/pdfs/accounting-for-managers.pdf
Chapter 2: How is Job Costing Used to Track Production Costs?
Chapter 3: How Does an Organization Use Activity-Based Costing to Allocate Overhead Costs?
Chapter 4: How is Process Costing Used to Track Production Costs?
Chapter 8: How is Capital Budgeting Used to Make Decisions?

-Levi Strauss & Co. (2013). Forging the path of progress. 2013 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.levistrauss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/levistrauss-annual-report-2013.pdf

-Walther, L. (2015). Principles of accounting (Managerial/cost tab). Retrieved from https://www.principlesofaccounting.com/#url


-NotePirate. (2014, April 9). What are cost drivers? (managerial accounting tutorial #2) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-N4TvKHlvs

-NotePirate. (2014, April 15). What is a cost function? (managerial accounting tutorial #6) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM4aMmVOn2A

-NotePirate. (2014, August 13). Support cost allocation using the direct method (managerial accounting tutorial #32) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxrmRNNW1PI

-NotePirate. (2014, September 14). Support cost allocation using step down method (managerial accounting tutorial #33) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUk3f9SWFKU

-NotePirate. (2014, August 15). Support cost allocation using reciprocal method (managerial accounting tutorial #34) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB0zsaPC4MI

-NotePirate. (2014, June 10). Predetermined overhead rate and overhead applied (managerial accounting tutorial #26) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orjRQjE_ZqE

-NotePirate. (2014, July 16). Activity based costing systems for overhead (managerial accounting tutorial #28) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m0Ob81nd9g

Week Four

-Ahmed, S. (2014). Equivalent units of production. Retrieved from https://www.accounting4management.com/equivalent_units_of_production.htm

-Bozarth, C. (2011). Economic order quantity (EOQ) model: Inventory management models: A tutorial. Retrieved from https://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles/article/economic-order-quantity-eoq-model-inventory-management-models-a-tutorial

-Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (2012). Accounting for managers (v.1.0). Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/pdfs/accounting-for-managers.pdf
Chapter 4: How is Process Costing Used to Track Production Costs?
Chapter 5: How do Organizations Identify Cost Behavior Patterns?
Chapter 9: How are Operating Budgets Created?

-Levi Strauss & Co. (2013). Forging the path of progress. 2013 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.levistrauss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/levistrauss-annual-report-2013.pdf

-Walther, L. (2015). Principles of accounting (Managerial/cost tab). Retrieved from

-Worthington, M. (2008). Weighted average process costing. Retrieved from https://highered411.com/Business%20Tutorials/Mngt%20Acct%20Handouts/PROCESS%20COSTING%20Handout.pdf


-NotePirate. (2014, August 28). The master budget (managerial accounting tutorial #38) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0iddr99fD4

Week Five

-Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (2012). Accounting for managers (v.1.0). Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/pdfs/accounting-for-managers.pdf
Chapter 5: How do Organizations Identify Cost Behavior Patterns?
Chapter 6: How is Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Used for Decision Making?

-Levi Strauss & Co. (2013). Forging the path of progress. 2013 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.levistrauss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/levistrauss-annual-report-2013.pdf

-Walther, L. (2015). Principles of accounting (Managerial/cost tab). Retrieved from


-NotePirate. (2014, April 28) Cost volume profit analysis and break even points (managerial accounting tutorial #11) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94lrvPlG9P4

-NotePirate. (2014, May 26). Calculate the break even point using algebra (managerial accounting tutorial #12) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96rFsCbMG4

-NotePirate. (2014, April 29). Contribution margin and break even points (managerial accounting tutorial #13) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XndHS8FgsAM
NotePirate. (2014, May 6). Sales mix break even points (managerial accounting tutorial #16) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfJM7WVmBY8

-NotePirate. (2014, May 4). Contribution margin vs gross profit margin (managerial accounting tutorial #14) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfJM7WVmBY8

-NotePirate. (2014, May 6). What is the margin of safety? (managerial accounting tutorial #15) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2590vZ4YP5I

Week Six

-Balanced Scorecard Institute. (2012). Balanced scorecard basics. Retrieved from https://balancedscorecard.org/Resources/About-the-Balanced-Scorecard

-Heisinger, K., & Hoyle, J. B. (2012). Accounting for managers (v.1.0). Retrieved from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/pdfs/accounting-for-managers.pdf
Chapter 10: How Do Managers Evaluate Performance Using Cost Variance Analysis?
Chapter 13: How Do Managers Use Financial and Nonfinancial Performance Measures?

-Kaplan, R. S. (2010). Conceptual foundations of the balanced scorecard. Retrieved from https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Publication%20Files/10-074.pdf

-Levi Strauss & Co. (2013). Forging the path of progress. 2013 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.levistrauss.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/levistrauss-annual-report-2013.pdf

-Walther, L. (2015). Principles of accounting (Managerial/cost tab). Retrieved from


-NotePirate. (2014, September 4). Variance analysis, calculate price and usage variances (managerial accounting tutorial #44) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjY-o3FIj3I

-NotePirate. (2014, September 7). Variance analysis, actual price and standard quantity (managerial accounting tutorial #45) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL1V-rroZFs

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