
Abuse of position-coercion by supervisor


1. Utilizing the Three Part Communications Model, write an essay exploring ethics and ethical decision-making. It may not be a topic the student previously researched, published, or presented.

2. Students will choose a topic from the DOD-Ethics-Failures Encyclopedia.

My Topic: Abuse of Position “Coercion By Supervisor” Page (4).

3. Develop an outline using the format provided in Handout HO 2-02-1. Submit the outline with the assignment.

4. Use material provided in Modules 2.01a Three Part Communications and 2.02 Effective Writing for assistance and guidance.

5. Write a 500-700 word essay on this topic, excluding the title and reference pages.

6. Format: For writing style and guidance, refer to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (APA), 6th Ed.

7. Provide a reference page citing all sources utilized during this assignment with a minimum of two references. Students will base research on facts from credible sources.

8. Similarity index provided from Turnitin.com cannot exceed 30%, excluding references.

9. Paper will be written in third person. (He, she, they…..NOT I, me, my, we, our, us, let’s…)

10. Essay must follow the three part communications model described in required reading 2.01a Three Part Communication, and MUST include an introduction, body (with two main points background and impact), a transition sentence, and conclusion. The paper MUST use the following main points described in the order presented.

A. Main point (1) Background: This point will explain the background of the scenario the student is analyzing. It should explain the details surrounding the ethical decision-making of the leaders in the scenario.

B. Main point (2) Impact: This point the student will explain the impact of the decision the leader made. Students will explore how the leader failed to embody the core values and ethos. In addition, the essay should explore how the decision affected areas such as sailorization, good order and discipline, unit morale, and mission readiness.

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