
Abstract will state the topic or hypothesis and the methods

There are two types of Abstracts; a Business Abstract and a Research Abstract. Each Abstract has a specific purpose. The business abstract is an Executive Summary in which the author is informing the reader (probably the CEO) of a problem and what the author feels is the appropriate solution to the problem. The Research Abstract intent is to inform the reader of the topic of the research covered by the paper and specific areas the paper will address. This makes the Research Abstract much shorter than the Business Abstract. You probably noticed from Week 2 and using Proquest that Research Abstracts are relatively short and very concise. They do not give a great deal of information. The Business Abstract is much different.

The Business Abstract must stand on its own. My technique is to write the Abstract after I have completed the paper. The Business Abstract is approximately 2/3 - 3/4 of a page in length. It must stand on its own and not leave the reader with questions. The author must state the problem, identify reasonable solutions, discuss (cost, schedule-implementation, performance) the optimal solution. Not an easy task on just one page. That is why it is easier to do this Abstract after the paper is written. It should leave the intended reader without questions.

In contrast, the Research Abstract is approximately 150 words in length. This Abstract will state the topic or hypothesis and the methods of research or subtopics covered in the paper. Not a great amount of detail, but enough to inform the reader of what your paper is about.

These summaries are not a sales pitch. They are professionally written and do not use first person - i.e., I, me, we, you, etc. They are specific and concise, address the issues and also inform the reader of your position on that topic.

Turn this paper (the above) into an APA correct paper. It will need the following:
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Body with title (hint: APA and Word Documents)
• Reference Page

Here is what I want you to do:
• Turn all bullets into numbers using the automatic numbering feature
• Appropriately paginate this paper. That means you will have to manually enter page breaks and section breaks. Do not use spacing to create page breaks
• APA style papers have headers, so you will have to create a header for this paper and also correctly number the pages.
• Format each page according to APA guidelines.
• Ensure the reference page is correct and the book is correctly cited
• The paper must be saved as one file, not each page as a separate file.

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Business Management: Abstract will state the topic or hypothesis and the methods
Reference No:- TGS01146726

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