
absorption of food absorption from mouthhere


Absorption from Mouth

Here negligible tobacco, alkohal and some medicines as isoprenailne glycerol tri nitrite is absorbed.

Absorption from Stomach

Here glucose, H2O, alkohal & vit. B12 are absorbed.

Absorption from Intestine

  1. Villi are helpful. Vilicrinine stimulates it. In villi b.v. & lecteals present.
  2. Carbohydrate & protein are absorbed by b.v.
  3. Lipid is absorbed by lecteals, colourless lymph becomes milky due to formation of chilomicrones. It reaches to heart first.
  4. Carbohydrate & protein reach to liver. Fructose is absorbed by facilitated diffusion.
  5. Mannose & pentose by passive transport. Glucose & galactose by active transport. H O by osmosis.
  6. D.A.A. by passive transport. L.A.A. by active transport. Vit. A & D by simple diffusion.
  7. In columnar cells acids phasphotase enzyme present, shows active process for absorption.
  8. Water incorporated small dorplets of monoglycerides, fatty acids and glycerols in small intestine are called micelles.
  9. Fats are absorbed from micelles by facilitated diffusion.
  10. Fats are absorbed in lymph.
  11. Protein coated, water soluble fat droplets in lymph are called chylomicrons.

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Biology: absorption of food absorption from mouthhere
Reference No:- TGS0162219

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