
About where local and tribal governments may obtain

1. From the answer choices, select the statement that is TRUE about where local and Tribal governments may obtain information on repetitive loss properties within their jurisdiction.

A. Flood Prevention Program

B. Flood Mitigation Assistance Program

C. State National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Coordinator

D. FEMA National Headquarters

2. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE?

For every event or meeting involving the public, you should document the specifics of that meeting, including the date and location, purpose and outcome, and attendance.

A. True

B. False

3. TRUE or FALSE: These steps in the hazard mitigation approval process are in the correct order.

Step 1: Submit hazard mitigation plan

Step 2: Review of plan at FEMA regional office

Step 3: Modify plan based on review feedback

Step 4: Formally adopt the plan

Step 5: Receive APA notice

Step 6: Receive final approval

A. True

B. False

4. Select ONE correct statement about hazard identification from the list below.

A. The planning team should consider only hazards that occurred in the past year.

B. When you have a list of potential hazards, you are ready to develop a mitigation plan.

C. Writing a hazard mitigation plan is easier if plan authors break down weather events, such as hurricanes, into hazards, such as flooding and high winds.

D. It is necessary to address human-caused hazards, including terrorism and nuclear incidents in the plan.

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Operation Management: About where local and tribal governments may obtain
Reference No:- TGS02490612

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