Case Study: Instructions
You are working in the research unit of a foundation that awards grants to criminal justice agencies. The foundation is interested in promoting inter-agency collaboration to address specific issues in criminal justice. As part of the announcement of the availability of grant funds for this initiative you have been asked to provide a review of an recent (within the past 10 years) case depicting inter-agency collaboration and cooperation as factors in a criminal justice-related case outcome. Your supervisor has outlined your work assignment as follows:
1. Search for a criminal justice website that is a repository for scholarly research to include case studies about collaborative efforts to resolve crime issues in a community. Website examples include (but not limited to):
Collaborative Justice
The Center for Effective Public Policy
National Institute of Corrections
Crime Solutions
Center for Court Innovation
Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy
2. Find a detailed overview of a case study that utilized collaborative community and criminal justice resources to deal with a crime issue in that community.
3. Respond to the following questions:
- Describe the collaborative initiative- location, date, what are the issues, who was involved with the solution?
- What solutions were proposed? Be detailed-
- What were the results? Be detailed-
- What partner do you feel was most impactful to the solution?
- What partner do you feel was least impactful to the solution?
- How could the outcome of the collaboration been improved?
Note, while these questions will be helpful is developing a project paper outline, the paper itself should be presented as a narrative.
4. Complete Case Study in the following format:
1. A minimum of three (4) full maximum five (5) full pages of narrative text
2. Respond to the six questions in item 3 above
3. Narrative and Resource page citations must be done in the American Psychological Association (APA) format (resource will be the case study you find)
4. A cover page (not included in the page count)
- Name of the student
- Name and number of the course
- Date of submission
5. All other pages will be double-spaced, 1 inch margin, 12 font.