
Abor2000 foundations of nursing aboriginal and torres

Course Description

This course provides an opportunity for nursing students to enhance their knowledge of historical and contemporary issues relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

This course will explore the tenets of culturally competent nursing practice and its development by exploring the dynamics between Australia's historical and contemporary social and healthcare policies, and the current health status for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Discuss Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, history, cultural identity, beliefs and values with a particular focus on the burden of disease.

2. Explore the relationship between Australia's history of colonisation, relevant social and healthcare policy and the multiplicity of experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including health status and life expectancy.

3. Identify key social determinants of health and their trends for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people including access, funding, housing, employment, infrastructure and education.

4. Identify and discuss ways of redressing health care inequities including the burden of illness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

5. Discuss strategies that hold the potential to improve the burden of illness and life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

6. Describe the principles of cultural competence and cultural safety in order to provide culturally competent nursing care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This must include identifying the impact of racism and effective communication strategies.

7. Examine and reflect on your personal lens and potential biases about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

8. Outline the principles of ethical research when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Written Assignment - Film Review: ‘Rabbit Proof Fence

This assessment is designed to develop critical thinking and responsiveness to racism for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people nursing care.

Description Students will need to watch the movie, Rabbit Proof Fence.

You can access the film by using the UoN library video streaming service link.

In the assessment you need to address the following:

Rabbit Proof Fence Film Review Questions
1. Describe the plot and discuss key themes in the film.
2. Critically analyse how racism is displayed in the film.
3. What did you learn and discuss how this knowledge is important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people nursing care?
4. Explain how you were feeling and what were you thinking as you finished watching the film?

In the film review you must address the above questions. Your work must be supported by relevant literature and a minimum of 12 references.

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Science: Abor2000 foundations of nursing aboriginal and torres
Reference No:- TGS02915994

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