
Abnormal psychology presentation task what is the history

Abnormal Psychology Presentation Task:

Numerous individuals around the world are affected by psychological illnesses on a daily basis, and these illnesses sometimes make it difficult to obtain jobs, keep stable relationships, and pursue higher goals. Your assignment is to work with your group to research and present information on the psychological illness that you have been assigned. You will teach the students of your class about your disorder through a PowerPoint presentation and you will submit to me three "test" questions based on your PowerPoint.

The content of your presentation should include information about your assigned topic. You must include at least four of the following:

  • What is the history of the disorder?
  • What are the causes and symptoms of the disorder?
  • What is the treatment for the disorder?
  • What is a recent research study conducted on this disorder within the past ten years?
  • Are there any films, TV shows, or video clips that depict this disorder? If so, are depictions accurate?
  • Is there anything interesting relating to this disorder (famous people with the disorder, interesting/unusual treatments, interesting statistics, etc.)

There is no minimum or maximum number of slides needed for the presentation; you will have a time limit of 10 minutes (this is the maximum limit, your presentation can be shorter than this if you wish). Each bullet point of information that you present should be in 2-4 slides. For example, if you are presenting on the history of your disorder, you will end up using between 2-4 slides to present this information (you can use more, but be careful of the time limit). You are free to have an interactive presentation if you wish that may include a discussion with the class, an activity, or presenting a video clip.

Since you will need to present four bullet points in your presentation, and there are four group members, each group member can commit to presenting one bullet point (which means each person will only present 2-4 slides). Each group member needs to orally present information from the PowerPoint to the class.



  • Your group presents at least four bullet points
  • The information on the presentation shows full and thorough understanding of the topic
  • The content is rich and informative, and allows the audience to gain a better understanding of your topic

PowerPoint Slides

  • Slides are organized well and easy to read (font size is large, color contrast is good, etc.)
  • Slides contain bullet points that highlight information; slides DO NOT contain long sentences and paragraphs
  • A header or tile is included on each slide (Ex: If you are presenting information about the history of your disorder, your slide has the word "History" at the very top)
  • The first slide of the presentation includes a title slide with the names of all group members and the title of the presentation
  • The last slide contains a "references/works cited/bibliography" page that contains the title, authors, year, and URL (if needed) of the sources that were used (a minimum of three sources that do not include Wikipedia or the textbook)


  • It is easy to detect that all group members have practiced their presentation beforehand due to their smooth transitions
  • Group members make eye contact with the audience and do not look at their index cards or at the projector when giving their presentation

Test Questions

  • The group submits three test questions, in a multiple-choice format, based off the presentation. These test questions are well-written, do not include any grammatical errors, and test important information about the topic
  • Each question should contain four answer choices, with the option of a fifth choice. A fifth answer choice may include answer such as "All of the above", "None of the above", etc.
  • Each answer choice contains a corresponding letter (A, B, C, D)
  • Some of the questions that you submit will be on exam.

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Dissertation: Abnormal psychology presentation task what is the history
Reference No:- TGS02685433

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