
Ability to synthesize the information presented

Write 7(full)pages, double spaced. Do not include title pages, table of content, or bibliography in the page count also do not use elaborate formatting, extra carriage returns, and large fonts (larger than 11 or 12 point font)

It is critical for you to highlight your Thesis Statement in the Introduction section.

The Term paper is a research paper. It serves as the instrument by which you show your ability to synthesize the information presented in the course regarding the three Science Technology and Society (STS) theories.

The paper will be about a complex problem, question or issue having to do with technology and the Smart Gridfrom the perspective of two or more disciplines that include your areas of concentration. Your paper should undertake ALL the following:

Use the typical Research Paper format, make sure to include and label each of the following sections:

Abstract, Introduction, Body (no need to label this one section), Conclusions, and Bibliography /Cited Work.

(Label each section. It is critical for you to highlight your Thesis Statement in the Introduction section)

• Discuss a complex or challenging Smart Grid issueand why it interests you

• Discuss how the Smart Grid Issue you have chosen is related to communications and event management.

• Discuss how the Smart Grid Issuerelates to each of the approaches to Science and Technology Studies (STS) theories(i.e. Technological Determinism; Social Construction of Technology; Technological Momentum, Technology and Progress etc., (make sure you address ALLthree theories).

• Develop a solution, answer or conclusion that integrates theories, concepts, methods andperspectives from your two concentration areas.

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Other Subject: Ability to synthesize the information presented
Reference No:- TGS01426979

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