
Ability to grow/thrive without a source of nutrients

Problem: Think about Earth's four "spheres". Imagine heading outdoors to collect an item from each of three of those spheres (your choice). Below, list the item, the sphere it should be categorized in, and how it interacts with the items from the two other spheres you collected. Do something different than me, but here's my example: Example: I chose a fern frond. It is from the Biosphere and interacts with the Hydrosphere because of the water (one of my other items) it takes in via its root system from below ground and the Hydrosphere because of the nutrients taken in from the soils (my third item). The fern cannot survive without water resources and will slowly lose the ability to grow/thrive without a source of nutrients.

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Other Subject: Ability to grow/thrive without a source of nutrients
Reference No:- TGS03303767

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