
Ability to determine what needs to be done in a logical

*Explanation: This is the part of the Assessment Center where you define the Competencies that you will look for (clearly define, can be from the Competency Library) and expand offer some examples of behaviors that you are looking for in the activity. The purpose of this document is to provide the RATERS with details about th e behaviors that they will be looking for. And...these are linked specifically to the Competencies (that are linked to the job!). Remember: For our assignment you are only required to detail the FIVE Competencies that you previously outlined from our earlier assignment on Competencies. You may use my Competency library for the definitions...but you will have to think about the behaviors that might be demonstrated during the activity (positive and negative).

Listing of Competencies that will be evaluated:

1. Judgment - The ability to develop alternative courses of action and make decisions based upon logical assumptions that reflect factual information. (Examples of behaviors: Positive- Did the person record or write down information provided? Did they present alternative solutions to the problem? Negative - Did the person jump to conclusions? Did the person just "off the cuff" provide input?

2. Flexibility - Ability to change the approach to problems or people when the situation requires it. Expresses agreement with and acceptance of the contributions of others. Displays empathy and objectivity. Adapts readily to changes in the environment. (Examples of behaviors: Positive - Did the person change the course of discussion or problem-solving if instructions required it? Negative - Did the person change direction with every option, reflecting too much flexibility? Did the person block changes in direction?)

3. Organizing and Planning - Ability to determine what needs to be done in a logical, systematic way and coordinates one's time to accomplish tasks. (Examples of behaviors: Positive - Did the person complete the activity steps in the required time frame? Was planning and logic demonstrated in solving the problem?

4. Oral Communication Skills - Ability to communicate through speech with statements that are concise and clear to the receiver. Includes presenting ideas to individuals and/or groups in a logical manner. (Examples of behaviors: Positive - Did the person speak clearly and with confidence? Negative - Did the person appear to want to get any input over as soon as possible and sit down or stop talking as quickly as possible?

5. Energy - Ability to maintain a high level of activity over a period of time without unnecessary signs of fatigue? (Examples of behaviors: Positive - Did the person stay actively engaged and interested? Negative - Did the person drift off or wane in participation during the activity? Did they appear disinterested or suddenly go silent?

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HR Management: Ability to determine what needs to be done in a logical
Reference No:- TGS01653802

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