
Ability to create positive social change

As explored in the first week of this course, there is not one single definition for terms like social responsibility and social change. They are complex concepts determined by multiple factors. You may now recognize some of the key contributing factors that lead to social responsibility in action. Has your initial understanding of social responsibility and social change evolved through your work in this course?

In this last Journal Assignment, you reflect on how this course influences your overall understanding and approach to positive social change.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review Walden University's General Education Learning Outcome: "Change" in the Syllabus. Consider how the General Education DEEP-C model contributed to your ability to discover and evaluate ideas from different perspectives, and is instrumental in your progress toward achieving personal goals and effecting positive social change.

Revisit definitions of social responsibility shared in the Week 1 Discussion in light of all the information you have considered throughout this course.

Reflect on the exercise in collective action represented by the Group Project. Think about the benefits collective action offers for accomplishing the goals of the Group Project.

The Assignment:

Write a 3- to 4-paragraph journal entry in which you briefly analyze the value of collective action in working toward social change.

1.Describe how your perspective has evolved or changed through this course and how you believe it will continue to evolve after the course.

2.How has this experience influenced your ability to create positive social change beyond the term of this course?

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Other Subject: Ability to create positive social change
Reference No:- TGS0522306

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