
Ability to behave in a diplomatic fashion


The issue here is how to communicate with the new sales personnel. They need more scientific training than you originally envisioned, and you must redesign the hiring process to include a training program, which should include a needs analysis.

  • How would you retrain these valuable personnel?
  • How would you redesign your recruitment efforts in the discussion to account for the fact that sales personnel will need additional training?
  • Display an ability to behave in a diplomatic fashion.

The following is a basic checklist for solutions:

  • Identify and address the main issue.
  • Provide real-life solutions (more than just theoretical considerations).
  • Address the criteria and measurements for success for this project
  • Use proper APA formatting and citation.
  • Provide solutions which display critical and innovative thinking.


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Business Management: Ability to behave in a diplomatic fashion
Reference No:- TGS01815130

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