
abdomencheck the contour of the abdomen


  1. check the contour of the abdomen; normally it should be soft, symmetrical, slightly round and moves in synchronously with chest 
  2. in premature neonate abdomen will be distended because of poor muscle tone 
  3. flat flabby "Pan Cake" like abdomen is abnormal and is associated with decreased muscle tone in neonates with drug or neurological depression 
  4. if the abdomen is concave, it is indicative of diaphragmatic hernia and on ascultation bowel sounds are heard in the chest, heart sound is shifted to right and respiratory distress is seen 
  5. check for exomphalos/omphalocele which is protrusion of the intestinal organs outside the abdomen 
  6. check the umblical cord which is composed of Whartons jelly and consist of 1 umblical vein and 2 umblical arteries palpate and check for enlargement of any organs namely liver, spleen or any lump 
  7. check for inguinal hernia when infant is relaxed and/or crying 
  8. check for pulsation of the femoral artery and observe if is equal in both sides of the organ 
  9. palpate for any lymphnode enlargement in the groin

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Biology: abdomencheck the contour of the abdomen
Reference No:- TGS0176428

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