
Aads 511- advanced communication skills and lay counseling

Assignment 1: Advanced communication skills and lay counseling for Educators

Question 1:

1.1) Critically discuss the stages and phases in the helping process and how the school environment can be improved in order to ensure mental health of all involved stakeholders.

1.2 Explain how you will communicate with parents in a trustworthy manner. Think of a situation at school and write a short case study with fictional names etc.

Question 2

Read the statement and then answer the question that follows

"Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise or nutrition. It is the full integration of states of physical, mental and spiritual well-being"

2.1) Describe the different types of well-being that is mentioned above.

2.2) Define a healthy school and discuss what a healthy school focuses on.

Question 3 "the counselor must be in possession of good communication skills. This refers to skills which result in high-quality interpersonal relationships, skills to communicate situation-appropriate knowledge and skills to the counselee"

There are certain perceptions we may hold with regards to communication which do not correspond with actually takes in communication practice.

Reflect on the statement above by focusing on communication myths versus reality.

3) Discuss critically how myths can be differentiated from reality.

Assignment 2: Legistation, counseling and support

Question 1.
1.1 Explain what makes HIV different from other viruses

1.2. identify the five steps /phases of the HIV/aids infection, and describe the typical symptoms associated with each step/phase.

Question 2

2.1 Critically discuss some of the myths and misconceptions that still prevail amongst many community members concerning the transmission of HIV

2.2 Put forth and defend the true facts concerning the transmission of HIV against the backdrop of such myths and misconceptions.

Question 3

3.1. HIV/AIDS Education must be planned according to the age groups and developmental stages of learners. Discuss the developmental characteristics relevant to

i) the middle childhood years( 6 to 12 years of age) as well as

ii) the adolescent years ( 12/13 to 18/19 years of age)

3.2 Compare (in table) the developmental differences that exist between learners in the four school phases in terms of cognitive, emotional,social, moral and sexual identity development.

Question 4

4.1 Explain thenegative effects that stigma and discrimination have on learners who are infected or /and affected by HIV/AIDS.

4.2 Discuss the building blocks for successful AIDS education.



STEP 1: This assignment is about the leaner with neurological related physical impairments. It is therefore necessary to make an in-depth study of study unit 2. Study also chapter 15 in your prescribed book: Addressing barriers to learning a South Africa and perspective (Landsberg et al).At least 4 additional sources must be consulted as well for the purposes of this assignment.

STEP 2: Discuss and analyze the different characteristics of neurological related physical impairment.

STEP 3: Identify the needs of learners that arise from neurological physical impairments.

STEP 4: Design and implement support strategies for learners with neurological physical impairments

STEP 5: Make use of collaboration with other role players to support the leaners.

Technical structure
- Content page
- Introduction
- Assignment lay-out
- In-text referrals
- Conclusion
- Bibliography

Guidelines for completion of assignment

- Read the questions carefully and make sure that your answer is relevant to the questions asked.

- Type in Ariel 11,double spacing and 10 typed pages

- Use at least 10new source of information(books ,scientific articles, internet sources etc) sources must not be older than 2005

- You may also extensively use the provided books, chapters in books and journal articles in this study guide, imbedded in the reader.

- Make sure your reference in text as well as your bibliography is correct and is in NWU Harvard Referencing style.

- The aim of the assignment is not to the reproduction of existing material but to ascertain whether you have the ability to integrate existing texts, add your own interpretation and or critique of the texts and offer a creative solution to existing problems.

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English: Aads 511- advanced communication skills and lay counseling
Reference No:- TGS02716636

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