
A yeast growing on a slice of bread breaks down starch

A yeast growing on a slice of bread breaks down starch releasing 100 kcal of energy. It then uses this energy to synthesize and store 100 kcal of fat. When the yeast finally breaks down the fat, that energy is destroyed and lost forever. Based on this information, click and drag the correct terms to complete the following sentences.

obeys the 1??

obeys the 2n?

violates the 1??

violates the 2n?

Yeast breaking down starch into usable energy  ____________  law of thermodynamics.

Yeast converting 100 kcal of starch into 100 kcal of fat  ____________  law of thermodynamics.

Yeast destroying energy when they break down fat  ____________  law of thermodynamics.

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Biology: A yeast growing on a slice of bread breaks down starch
Reference No:- TGS02667366

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