1. The silicon crystal has a cubic lattice as shown below
(a) Write down the fractional coordinates of all the atoms in the unit cell.
(b) Write down the formula for structure factor Fhkl, taking the atomic form factor of silicon as fSi.
(c) On the basis of your equation for Fhkl, derive the rules of systematic absence of diffraction for this structure.
(d) What kind of Bravais lattice does this cubic structure belong to, primitive, body centred, or face centred cubic? Provide an explanation to your answer.

2. What would be the differences in the X-ray diffraction patterns of two powder samples of silicon, the first with crystal size ~1µm, in the other each crystal is a silicon nanoparticle of size ~50 nm? Provide a quantitative description of the differences, as well as an explanation to the origin of such differences.
3. (a) Describe briefly the powder and single crystal x-ray diffraction methods.
(b) Describe the advantages, disadvantages and main applications of each method respectively.