A worker was observed for four cycles in a repetitive task. The observer recorded the following? times, in? seconds, using the continuous method. The ratings for each element and frequency it is performed are also indicated in the table. The allowance fraction is 20 percent.
Element Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Rating Frequency
1 15 106 208 309 1.10 1.0
2 37 131 234 334 1.05 0.5
3 47 143 245 348 1.20 0.5
4 90 190 293 392 1.15 1.0
What is the normal time for the complete? cycle?
A. Greater than or equal to 95 seconds but fewer than 105 seconds
B. Greater than or equal to 105 seconds
C. Greater than or equal to 85 seconds but fewer than 95 seconds
D. Fewer than 85 seconds.