Details: What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet? Why would you want to use separate worksheets when using Excel? Please give 2 general examples. Please research and find the method for creating an Excel formula that references information on the first worksheet from a second worksheet. Can you think of a specific personal or business application that would require only one worksheet? Please explain this application.
This assignment's grade is based on the quality of the Discussion Board posts. Be sure to read the Discussion Board assignment requirements. In most situations, you are required to post a specific number of paragraphs or words. Your postings should include proper grammar and spelling. If you borrow something from another source, be sure you cite it in APA style.
You are also required to respond to your classmates. Remember, a quality post is not a simple one-sentence response. Your responses to your classmates should be at least a paragraph and should be based upon your experiences, the unit readings, or the class materials. If you need more clarification about quality posts, please ask your instructor.
In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.