A well insulated calorimeter contains m1= 150g steam at a temp t1= 110 celcius. water at a temp of t2=10 celcius is poured in the calorimeter. the final equilibrium temp for the water in the calorimeter is tfinal=24 celcius. the specific heat of steam is csteam=1996 j/kgK, for water is cwater=4186 J/kgK and the latent heat of vaporization for water is =2256x10^3 J/kg.
a. how much heat does the stram release to reach 100 C?
b. how much heat does the steam release when condensing?
c. how much heat does the water resulting from condensed steak release to cool down to the final temp?
d. how much water (mass m2) was poured in the calorimeter?