a web site is a set of linked documents with

A Web site is a set of linked documents with shared attributes, like related topics, a similar design or a shared purpose. Macromedia Dreamweaver is a site creation and management tool, thus you can use it to create complete Web sites, as well as individual documents.

Getting started in Macromedia Dreamweaver is as easy as opening an existing HTML document or to create a new one. Dreamweaver is a professional Web site development program. It has been developed to take benefit of capabilities of the latest generation of browsers, making it very easy for developers to use advanced features like style sheets and dynamic HTML. It has been designed from the ground up to work the way professional Web designers/developers do. Dreamweaver speeds up site construction and streamlines site maintenance.

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Computer Engineering: a web site is a set of linked documents with
Reference No:- TGS0333308

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