
A water contains contains 20 meqlca2 and 13 megl mg2 if one

1.An offshore drilling rig is being towed out to sea.  What is themaximum distance that the navigation lights can still be seen by anobserver standing at the shoreline?  The observer's eye height is5'9", and the uppermost navigation light is 310 feet above the water.Give your answer in miles.

2.A water contains contains 2.0 meq/LCa2+ and 1.3 meg/L Mg2+. If one wanted to remove the hardness species by hydroxide precipitation, to what pHmust the water be raised and maintained in order for both calcium and magnesium toform hydroxide solids?

3.A zone in the CBD is projected to contain 1,525,000 ft2 ofresidential space; 3,675,000 ft2 of service establishments; and atotal retail activity floor area of 2,100,000 ft2. Governmentand other public buildings occupy a total area of 615,000ft2. Using the data calculate the trip generation of this zone.

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Civil Engineering: A water contains contains 20 meqlca2 and 13 megl mg2 if one
Reference No:- TGS0802434

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