A voltage signal ranges between -0.50 V and 1.00 V. The signal is to be sampled by an A/D converter that has an input range of 0 to 5 V. For maximum resolution, the signal is to be conditioned such that it fits the full input range of the A/D converter. Obviously, a DC offset must be added to the signal, and then the modified signal must be amplified.
(a) Find the required DC offset and amplification (gain).
(b) Suppose the following are available: several 100 k\Omega resistors, one 30 k\Omega resistor, two type 741 op-amps, a +15 V DC and -15 V DC power supply, and a variable DC voltage supply (range = -5 to 5 V). Design a circuit that will provide the necessary DC offset and gain. Show a schematic diagram for your signal conditioning circuit, being sure to label the values of each resistor. Note: Use inverting summers and amplifiers for consistency.