
a voltage signal generated by a sensor

A voltage signal generated by a sensor conditioning circuit varies from -0.5V to +0.5V . The signal from the sensor is to be connected to the analog to digital  converter which only accepts positive voltage. Design an op-amp circuit to amplify the signal 10 times and shift the signal to the positive range.  The output signal after amplification and shifting should fluctuate between 0 V to 10 V.  Simulate your design using Multisim spice simulator and show that your design meets all the requirements. Take note that the final output signal should not be inverted. Your type written answer should contain

i)  Circuit schematics that show the complete circuit and its resistor value.

ii) Plot showing input and output voltage of your circuit. Assume sinusoidal input signal with peak to peak voltage of 1 V.

iii) Explain how the circuit works and show all calculation steps.

iv) List all components used together with its product code and price. Information on practical components should be obtained from Analog Devices, Farnell or RS website.

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Electrical Engineering: a voltage signal generated by a sensor
Reference No:- TGS0207708

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