
a visual basic is governed by an event processor

(a) Visual Basic is governed by an event processor. Explain the meaning of this phrase.

(b) Differentiate between an event procedure and a general procedure.

(c) "For database management, we say our Visual Basic application acts as a front-end to the database." Explain what is meant by the above statement.

(d) The ADO (ActiveX Data Object) data control is the primary interface between a Visual Basic application and a database. It may be used without writing any code at all. Or, it may be a central part of a complex database management system. Describe the following properties of an ADO data control:

(i) RecordSet
(ii) ConnectionString
(iii) RecordSource

(e) Like other controls, the ADO data control has events that are triggered at various times during database access. Give example of any three ADO data control events and explain when they are triggered?.

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Software Engineering: a visual basic is governed by an event processor
Reference No:- TGS0358793

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