
A valid argument is one in which the conclusion necessarily

For the following statements or questions, determine whether it falls into one or more of the following branches of philosophy metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, logic. Support your answer with reasons

1. Is civil disobedience ever justified?

2. Why is there something rather than nothing?

3. Are selfless actions possible?

4. The mind is identical to the physical processes that occur within the brain.

5. God knows the future.

6. A valid argument is one in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises

7. How can I be certain that my senses provide accurate knowledge of the world?

8. Is the death penalty moral?

9. A strong argument is one in which the premises likely support the conclusion.

10. Since I am determined to act as I do, I should not be held accountable for my actions

11. What are the conditions under which we can call something true?

For the following passages determine whether if falls into one or more of the branches of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, and logic. For bonus points cite and discuss the position expressed.

12. The moral worth of an action does not lie in the effect expected from it, nor in any principle of action which requires to borrow its motive from the expected effect. For all of these effects -agreeableness of one's condition and even the promotion of the happiness of others - could be brought about by other causes, so that for this there would have been no need of the will of a rational being; whereas it is in this alone that the supreme and unconditional good can be found."

13 The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals 'utility" or 'the greatest happiness principle' holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness are intended pleasure and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain and the privation of pleasure."

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Other Subject: A valid argument is one in which the conclusion necessarily
Reference No:- TGS01162148

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