Slotted CSMA: Consider CSMA with non-persistent carrier sensing. The channel is time-slotted with a time slot lasting one propagation delay (τ), as shown in the figure below. Assume the same assumptions we made for the discussion of CSMA and slotted ALOHA. Namely: Poisson arrivals with parameter λ, fixed packet lengths of duration P seconds, a fully-connected network with all nodes having τ seconds of propagation delay from each other, and a magical secondary channel over which ACKs are sent without error in zero time.
(a) Using a similar approach to the one we discussed for slotted ALOHA, computer the throughput of the protocol.
(b) Discuss [not compute] what changes you would need to do to the analysis in order to consider the existence of acknowledgments being sent over the same channel.
(c) Compare your result with the result we obtained in class for CSMA. What benefits [if any] do you see in the analysis of CSMA using a time-slotted channel from the standpoint of performance analysis?