Question: (a) A two-story hospital facility shown in Figure is being designed in New York with a basic wind speed of 90 mi/h and wind exposure D. The importance factor I is 1.15 and Kz = 1.0. Use the simplified procedure to determine the design wind load, base shear, and building overturning moment.
(b) Use the equivalent lateral force procedure to determine the seismic base shear and overturning moment. The facility, with an average weight of 90 lb/ft2 for both the floor and roof, is to be designed for the following seismic factors: SDS = 0.27g and SD1 = 0.06g; reinforced concrete frames with an R value of 8 are to be used. The importance factor I is 1.5.
(c) Do wind forces or seismic forces govern the strength design of the building?