1. Introduction:
The exercise tests your ability to use Visual Basic programming language to solve a typical problem. You should pay particular attention to the following 5 stages of the development process. Marks allocated for the various stages are shown in the brackets below:
Problem ananlysis and requirements specification
Design of the solution
Program implementation (with comments to aid
Testing for correct operation
You must write a report which contains a listing of your program as well as an account of how you followed the five stages of the development. using VB2010
2. Description of the Problem
A tubular post of square cross section, designed to support a uniformly distributed load on a horizontal platform, is shown in Figure A. The principal stresses and maximum shear stresses at points A and B at the base of the post have to be determined for various loading conditions.
The tube has an outer dimension of b = 150mm and wall thickness t = 13mm. The platform has dimensions of 175 x 600 mm. The resultant of the distributed load on the platform is a vertical force P1 which acts at the midpoint of the platform, which is at a distance of d = 225 mm from the longitudinal axis of the post. A second force P2 acts horizontally on the post at a height of h above the base.

In this project you will solve this problem through the development of a program where data is entered with the help of a graphical numerical keyboard designed and implemented by you, not through a physical keyboard.
The load values P1 and P2 should be entered through their text boxes with graphical keyboard. The other dimensions h, b and t may be entered though text boxes or selected from combo/ list boxes. A series of control buttons may be used to direct data from the graphical keypads to the various textboxes.
Once the dimensions are entered, a command button should activate the process of calculating the stresses. The program should be structured with the use of at least one user defined Sub Procedure or Function Procedure in it. Results of the various stages of calculations may be presented either in textboxes or with message box. Final results should be displayed in a snumber of textboxes or on labels.